Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Right Side Up Values in a Upside Down World

Walking in the Word

John 3:30
30 He must increase, but I must decrease.

Responding to the Word

John the Baptist had a following.  That means that there were people who allowed John to baptize them and even followed and listened to him.  They learn about the Kingdom of God and enjoyed hearing John preach.   It would be only "human" to get a little "jealous" when someone else came on the scene and gathered more of a following than you.  But that was not John's reaction.  He knew that "someone" was none other than Jesus Christ and the larger the following became for Jesus, the happier He was.  John's assignment was to get the people ready for the Messiah - Jesus Christ.  We too must be careful to guard our hearts from this foolish type of pride.  When we sing in church, let's give all our attention to God and not on ourselves.  When we give, do so in secret so that God may bless your obedient action.  Jesus must increase and we must decrease.  Go ahead and give it a try, it's worth it.

Praying in the Word

Father, please teach us to allow Jesus to shine in our life.  Allow Him to shine in a dark and sometimes scary world.  Father thank you all the saints who came out last night for Faith Evangelism.  I pray their obedience produced much fruit for Your kingdom.  In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen  

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