Monday, March 21, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now?

Walking in the Word

Mark 15:38 (New King James Version)

38 Then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

Responding to the Word

I hear many kids talk of growing up in the times of the cowboys and Indians.  Yup, that would be pretty cool.  But do you know how you had to communicate with someone far away?  Horseback!  Letter carriers would pack their saddlebags full, and set out to deliver your mail.  Today, things are much different.  I can call my family from inside my car and write a letter to a friend in Japan in an instant!  Cell phones and the Internet has made all of this possible.  As we approach the season we call Easter, let's remember what Jesus did for us.  Not only did he die a very painful death on a cross to pay the penalty of our sins, but also made a way for us to talk with God.   The tearing of the curtain represented our access to Father.  You don't even need a cell phone or computer to talk to God and for Him to talk with you.  Cool!

Praying through the Word

Father, I am thankful that this prayer can go up to you.  Thank You for allowing Your Son to pay the ultimate price for me and those I love.  Father I pray for an incredible day this Sunday with Evangelist Junior Hill.  May You bring many to hear the life-changing message of the Gospel.  Thank You for this day.  May I be found faithful in it.  In Jesus' Name, Amen

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