Friday, March 25, 2011

I wanna be like ????

Walking in the Word

Luke 1:57-60 (New King James Version)
57 Now Elizabeth’s full time came for her to be delivered, and she brought forth a son. 58 When her neighbors and relatives heard how the Lord had shown great mercy to her, they rejoiced with her.

Responding to the Word

I'm not a HUGE basketball fan, but I do remember and still marvel at the height and length Michael Jordan could jump with a basketball.  It was incredible.  Some thought he had "magic shoes" that he later went on to sell.  "I want to be like Mike" was the saying on the town.  It was on our t-shirts, on our posters and on the television set. But in all honestly, I want to be like John.  John the baptist was a cool dude!  He didn't shop at the store the other men of God shopped at.  He wore camel-skinned clothes and locust (bugs) and wild honey (now that's not bad.)  And what did he do over 2000 years ago when he lived?  He prepared the way for Jesus.  He proclaimed everyday and in everyway that the Messiah (Jesus) was coming and that people needed to repent (seek forgivness for their sins and turn from their wicked ways) and seek the face of God.  Today, we are to be preparing for Jesus' return.  The fact that Jesus is coming again shouldn't be America's best kept secret.  We need to proclaim it in our schools, on our sports teams and to every friend we meet.  No, you might not eat bugs or wear odd clothing, but you CAN be faithful in sharing Jesus with all you come into contact with.

Praying Through the Word

Father, Your plans are incredible.  I'm thankful You see tomorrow before today.  You know all things.  Help me to have a heart like John in that he was happy to decrease as Jesus had to increase.  I pray others see Jesus in me.  Father, I pray for Life Change Sunday.  May Your will be done in our church, community and country.  I also lift up those in Japan who have been devistated.  May your grace and love be in abundance there.  In Jesus' Name, Amen

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